Food Safety Systems
Mérieux NutriSciences offers a range of audit services to provide an impartial and independent assessment of your food safety and quality programs.
Our audits allow you to identify potential risk for contamination within your food safety systems and implement corrective measures as needed. They provide a highly effective tool for improving food safety in establishments engaged in processing, packaging, storage or transportation of food.Covering all aspects of food safety and quality, our range of audits includes:
- Allergen control
- Listeria
- Foreign bodies
- Food contamination risk
- Food fraud
- HACCP verification audits
- GMP food safety systems audit
- cGMP dietary supplements audit
- GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) audit
- GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) audit
Our auditors can provide crisis management training required by regulators in the case of an outbreak of foodborne virus, pathogens or contamination leading to a product recall. We can also perform a complete evaluation of your food safety systems including internal laboratory microbiological control programs, logistics, supplier quality and animal species identification and traceability.
Above all, an audit by Mérieux NutriSciences is a demonstration of your commitment to food quality and safety.
Contact your local Mérieux NutriSciences Audits and Inspections representatives to schedule an audit, request a quote or learn more about our services.