Mérieux Nutricicences

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Environmental Monitoring Expertise

Environmental monitoring is the best way for you to assess your facility and the potential for product contamination in your process. Mérieux NutriSciences consultants possess an in-depth understanding of the microbial ecology of a broad spectrum of food processing plants.

We utilize our extensive in-plant knowledge to help you design environmental monitoring plans to help ensure microbiological control is maintained at critical process and packaging points.

Environmental monitoring programs can serve as an early warning system to detect and eliminate sites of pathogenic growth to minimize the risk of end product contamination. Analyzing your operation’s specific needs, our consultants can help you develop a comprehensive environmental monitoring program to minimize contamination issues and prevent product recalls.

An additional program component using indicator organism testing to monitor the effectiveness of your sanitation programs will allow you to identify hard-to-clean areas on product contact or nearby surfaces.

Learn more about our Environmental Monitoring programs.