Safety and Quality Program
Mérieux NutriSciences consultants can benchmark your food safety management programs against recognized industry best practices to assess your product risk.
Our expert assessments validate your systems to make sure they’re performing to your expectations. We can also work with you to devise strategies and programs to take your food safety systems to the next level.
Our comprehensive and expert consulting services include:
Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs)
We can help you improve your written SSOPs and on-floor sanitation practices.
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
From employee practices to equipment maintenance, let us help you minimize costly GMP violations.
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Mérieux NutriSciences consultants are recognized industry-wide for their HACCP expertise. They can conduct a hazard analysis, assess your program, guide program development, and validate your company plan.
Allergen Management
Well-designed and executed allergen management programs are critical to avoid costly recalls caused by mislabeling and inadvertent cross-contact of ingredients. From plant sanitation procedure assessments to vendor selection and approval, we can review and help you improve every part of your allergen management program.
Environmental Monitoring Programs
Environmental monitoring is an essential tool to verify the effectiveness of your sanitation and GMP programs. Drawing from many years of in-plant experience, Mérieux NutriSciences consultants can help you design, implement and improve an effective environmental monitoring program.
Quality Management
Our consultants can help you design, implement, review and improve your quality systems to best suit the needs of your organization. Ensure that your quality systems are compatible with current standards including ISO 9001, EN 45000 and Total Quality principles according to all international accreditation bodies.
Food Defense
Food Defense programs are designed to protect your manufacturing environment and products from criminal or terrorist acts. Specific mandatory requirements for Food Defense have been added by IFS and BRC in the latest edition of their Food Safety Standards. Mérieux NutriSciences offers consulting and training in Food Defense based on our international experience in the field.
Food Fraud
Food Fraud encompasses the intentional substitution, addition, tampering or misrepresentation of food for economic gain. Fighting against economically motivated adulteration is not only a must for your brand protection but it is also required by most GFSI standards (IFS & BRC). Mérieux NutriSciences offers consulting and training in identifying your vulnerabilities to Food Fraud and implementing appropriate countermeasures based on our international experience in the field.