Mérieux Nutricicences

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  2. 梅里埃营养科学集团专家将受邀出席中国医师协会儿科医师年会并发表专题演讲




梅里埃营养科学集团的DeAnn Liska博士将受邀出席大会,并会在儿童消化与营养论坛做题目为《Development of healthy microbiota in children: are we ready for recommendations?》的专题演讲,将讨论儿童肠道微生态的发展,以及其与儿童健康的关系,还将分享关于母乳寡聚糖(HMOs)的最新研究进展。

DeAnn Liska博士任职于梅里埃营养科学集团北美临床研究中心,担任主管营养科学与生物统计的高级总监。

附:DeAnn Liska博士简介

DeAnn Liska, Ph.D., is the Sr. Director of Nutrition Science & Biostatistics at Biofortis Research, a division of Mérieux NutriSciences, where she leads the team responsible for scientific consultation, and design & interpretation of clinical trials. Dr. Liska has more than 20 years in leadership roles in the food and nutrition industry, has authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications, and is co-inventor on 17 patents. She is active in the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), International Life Science Institute (ILSI), and the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), and is a member of the Cornell University Nutritional Sciences Advisory Board. Dr. Liska received her B.S. in chemistry from Portland State University and Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin, and was on the biochemistry faculty at the University of Washington prior to joining industry.